Friday, March 26, 2010

The Easter Bunny Visit

I took the boys down to see the Easter Bunny last week and it didn't go exactly as I had invisioned it would go. I thought I'd get a cute picture of the boys smiling and hugging the bunny instead I got a screaming Kai and a smiling Nainoa. I guess I should be happy one kid was smiling. We tried twice to get Kai to just sit next to the Bunny, but he hollered as if he was being tortured. So I took him over to the candy store and got the boys some suckers ( I was desperate). I jsut wanted Kai to calm down enough so that we could give it another go. Well, it didn't work and only made him hyper and he ran off onto the escalator for a ride without me. After my little rescue, I was told about another bunny that was half the size over on the other side of the mall. We headed over to that size only to have Kai shy away and only wave to the bunny from a far. We tried two times with mini bunny, but no go Kai wasn't having it. I have so tired and sweaty that I gave up and headed back towards the way we came and got Nainoa dressed into regular clothes, but not without tears he kept saying, " I want to wear my fancy clothes!" He so dramatic to the point people were watching me and probably thought I was kidnapping him. After our little episode, we walked to A.S.A.P for some lunch. Walking back to the car exhausted I realized I had promised Nainoa I would take him to the train store in Anaheim so off we went. What a day! Happy Easter everyone! :)


  1. Aww, Happy Easter! Great pics, and your boys are a riot. Love them.

  2. oh my gosh i think the pic of both the boys with the bunny is classic, what a memory!! they look so cute in their fancy clothes! :)
