Thursday, January 7, 2010

December Happenings

It was a very busy month last month with the Holidays and getting ready to move that I've gotten behind on my posts. We still have things to do, but I figured I better try and catch up with some posts LOL! The month of Decemeber we did a few playdates with the kids one was a paint your own ceramic cup or plate. I thought it would be cute to make one for Jonathan and for his mom from the kids. Let's just say it's the thought that counts LOL! Next we had a make your own swirl paint ornament playdate. Somewhere along here we also went to Jonathan's work Christmas Party. I can't remeber it seriously is a blurr right now. On the 19th Jonathan and I headed over to one of his sisters Patrice's neighbor Evelyn's house. It was an ugly Christmas sweater party and we all brought a white elephant gift and had a ball laughing and stealing each other's gifts. We had Christmas at our townhouse for the last time, then started moving the next day with one sick kiddo. Jonathan and Nainoa got a really bad stomach bug. Kai and I lucked out we didn't get it too bad. We also managed to make it to my step mom's brother's house. We couldn't stay long Kai had missed his nap and was not a happy camper. It was nice to see my step mom's family since we rarely are all at the same place same time. Geez I hope I'm caught up LOL!

The mugs Nainoa and Kai made. The green is just a glaze that turns clear after fired up.

Jonathan's work party.

My sister-in-law's neighbor, Evelyn's house. Beautiful!!!!!

White Elephant gifts.

My sister-in-law Patrice with her sweater she decorated.

Jonathan and I styling in our ugly sweaters!

I won the Hangover DVD for best ugly Christmas sweater outfit? I don't remeber bah ha ha!

Hanging out with my Step mom and her family.

Nainoa with grandpa.

The Whitehead boys!

Nainoa and auntie Patrice.

Kai not so happy when he misses his nap.

Nainoa playing golf with Henry and Jay

Making a gingerbread house.

Nainoa taking out the power wheel for a test drive at Nana's house.

Nainoa was so excited to see his car!

Kai loved this hobby/spring horse.

Nainoa loves trains. He got is Hiawatha train he kept talking about.
Kai snuggling with cousin Alayne.
Hanging out on Christmas Eve in new pj's!
Nainoa & Kai with their cousins.

Our little Elf on the shelf we had fun moving around the room each night for Nainoa to find.

1 comment:

  1. so, i had that spring horse when i was a kid and i LOVED it. could never find one for my kids, so had to settle for the furry rocking horse (which is clearly safer, but, you know... lol). where'd you find yours?!
