Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Oh how I lovvvvve this month! This is one of my favorite holidays ever I have such great Christmas memories growing up. We've been busy like little elves decorating the house with Christmas lights, putting up our tree, and enjoying the neighbor's awesome holiday decorations. I love the whole, "Christmas threw up on the house" look! The more decorations the merrier for me. I added a wreath to my Ford Flex to make it look festive. I really wanted the antlers and red nose car kit, but knowing me I'd roll the window down and lose an antler. Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to so far this month.

The boys having fun after all the work.

Aww so pretty!

Of course can't leave out or Flex so we added a wreath.

The lights we put up. Wish we had more maybe next year!

One of the neat homes.

You can see people hanging outside. This is a very common sight coming down this street.

This festive hot rod belongs to the owner of the house shown above.

Can never get enough of these pretty lights.

How the street looks at night.

I was told the person that lives here does work with Disney and Knott's how cool!

I should have taken a photo of the Grinch of the roof stealing the Christmas tree! Too funny!


  1. I love it! I'm totally all about "more is more" during the holidays (and year-round too, for that matter). Btw, your night photography of the lights is awesome!!

  2. What? No Lam I don't know what I'm doing LOL! OMG I can't believe you saw these photos oh well. Could use some tips. I just played with some setting bah!

  3. I love the "Christmas threw up" look too! haha, and we went thru your neighborhood looking at lights last night! I love how so many people go all out! And Wes' favorite was the house with the Grinch on the roof! We had to go back to it again because he kept asking for it! :) so fun!

  4. Aww I didn't know you guys had been in the neighborhood! Stop by next time Wendy!C-ya Friday!

  5. This is all on your street!? Wow
